To The Failing Mama - An Open Letter

You failed your kids today.  You lost your cool, raised your voice, implemented timeouts, and listened to their cries.  You've crushed your child's spirit.  You've failed them.

At the end of the day,  you straighten up the house and think this to yourself and wish you would have handled things differently.  But mama, let me tell you something, how you handled those situations today does not define who you are as a mother.  Parenting is hard.  Really hard.  You're going to make mistakes, it's inevitable.  You're not a failure, you're doing great.

As a mother, we tend to focus on all the negatives and how we could have prevented them. Often we forget about all the positives and laughter that was shared in your household today.  We forget about the many hugs, kisses, giggles, praises, stories read, songs sang, silly faces made, snacks distributed, and the I love yous said.  Mama, you're doing great.

Your kids don't focus on your mistakes.  They remember mommy playing with them, teaching them, helping them, and loving them.  They don't see you as a failure, they see you as their hero.  You're the one they turn to when scared or sad, you're the one they run to with exciting news and show you their imagination.  They think you're the best mom ever.  And those tiny humans are right.  You are the best mom ever!

So next time you feel like you may be failing your children or you might lose your cool, think with love.  Whatever the situation may be, a moment where they need to be loved a little more, or encouraged, or reassured that the decision they're making is the best one; speak softly to them and make them feel safe.  Teach them to be brave and strong and to love fiercely.  Remind yourself how proud you to be their mom and how proud they make you because they are just as proud that you are their mommy.   You're doing great, mama, you're doing great.

You failed your kids today.

You loved your kids today!



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